Winter Sale + 5% Off! Code: BFR5 *Exclusions apply
Winter Sale + 5% Off! Code: BFR5 *Exclusions Apply
Winter Sale + 5% Off! Code: BFR5 *Exclusions Apply
Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 3/10.
Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 3/10.
M-F 9AM-5:30PM EST

International Checkout has partnered with a trusted third-party company, International Checkout, to fulfill orders for our International customers. Simply put the items you wish to purchase in our Shopping Cart and choose the "International Checkout" option. Your items will be transferred to International Checkout for processing. You may pay by International credit card, PayPal or bank transfer. International Checkout will process your order, including billing, shipping and customer service. Once your order is completed, all inquiries should be directed to International Checkout at Please do not hesitate to Contact with product specific questions.

How do I place my order?

Simply place items in your cart and click the International Checkout Button (see picture to the left). Please note some items may not be eligible for International Shipment. Ineligible items will have a note stating that they are not eligible.

Contacts & Customer Service:

International Checkout will process your order, including billing, shipping and customer service. Once your order is completed, all inquiries should be directed to International Checkout at
USA Phone: +001.310.601.8196
UK Phone: +44.20.8133.2436
Australia Phone : +61.28003.4685
Denmark Phone : +45.369.50312
Sweden Phone : +46.4069.35779
Hong Kong Phone : +852.8175.6057
Japan Phone : +81.50553.46826
Brazil Phone : +55.(11)3717.5368

Please visit the International Checkout Customer Service page for more information and phone numbers in your area.


International Checkout will get your items to your doorstep as quickly as possible. STANDARD SHIPPING arrives to your address in approximately 8-20 business days depending on your location .Expedited shipping options are available during checkout


Orders placed through International Checkout are not eligible for return due to the cost and restrictions involved with shipping overseas. Most of the products that are available at Earthtech Products come with a manufacturer warranty as Earthtech only deals with trusted manufacturers. In the event an item arrives with manufacturer defects it will be covered (repaired or replaced) according to the manufacturers warranty policy. If you have any questions please contact International Checkout at to see if your item is covered under a Manufacturer Warranty.

Earthtech Products
10A Merrick Ave.
Merrick NY 11566

A Specialty Co. Since 2006!
Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 3/10.
M-F 9AM-5:30PM EST