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7 Outlet Advanced PowerStrip - 2160 Joules - Surge Protection - for PCs and TVs

Item Code: 180SS-US-7XX
Ship Weight: 1.63 lbs.
Regular Price: $34.95
Sale Price: $29.95
You Save 14% ($5.00)
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Product Details
Protect your essential electronics from sudden power surges with this Advanced PowerStrip. A must-have for all homes, this device not only protects your TVs and PCs but also helps you cut down on power consumed by electronics on standby mode.

Protect your home from outlet surges with the 7 Outlet Advanced PowerStrip
Designed for high quality surge protection, noise filtering and most importantly, reduced power consumption of TV and PC components in standby
Advanced components easily detect and stops standby power consumed by PC and TV peripherals and more
Encased in ceramic with fireproof metal oxide varistors for better energy suppression and faster heat dissipating
Very easy-to-use and is suitable for use in both household and workplace settings
Also comes with a lifetime product warranty against defective manufacturing and components

Whether you're an internet addict or a TV junkie, there's no better way to protect your home from faulty electronics than with this energy efficient power controller. Designed not only as an outlet surge protector for home but also as a way to reduce wasted energy, this advanced PowerStrip ensures you of better energy consumption both when your PC or TV is in use or in standby mode. Thanks to a built-in current sensing circuitry with 2 different switching thresholds, this device can accurately sense when your electronics are switched or are in standby. The incorporated advanced TrickleStar surge protection technology also ensures you of aid against possible damage caused by fluctuating electricity.
Manufacturer: Trickle Star
Product Name: 7 Outlet Advanced PowerStrip
Number of Outlets: (1) Control Outlet
(2) Always On Outlets (1 outlet transformer spaced)
(4) Switched Outlets (1 outlet transformer spaced)
Total: (7) Outlets
Selectable Switching Thresholds: 10W / 22W / 42W
Power: 144,000 Amps / 2160 Joules
Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How do I use this device for my television?
A: First, plug in "always on" devices into the product (ex. Tivo). Second, plug in the main TV plug into the Control Plug. Next, plug in other connected devices into the switched outlets (ex. Amps, Subwoofers, Game Consoles, etc.). Adjust the Switching Threshold next. For TV sets, this is typically on the High Setting. If your product has Secondary Protection features, plug in the antennae or cable connection into the product. Finally, plug in the 7 Outlet Advanced PowerStrip into a grounded receptacle.

Q: How do I use this device for my computer?
A: First, plug in "always on" devices into the product (ex. Routers, Modems, etc). Second, plug in the main PC plug into the Control Plug. Next, plug in other connected devices into the switched outlets (ex. Printers, Scanners, Speakers, etc). Adjust the Switching Threshold next. For PCs, this is typically on the Low or MediumSetting. If your product has Secondary Protection features, plug in the Modem, Router or Fax connections into the product. Finally, plug in the 7 Outlet Advanced PowerStrip into a grounded receptacle.

Q: How will I know if the Advanced PowerStrip is working?
A: The device has LEDs that are lit when the device is powered so you'll know if it's working.

Q: Can I use it for other electronics other than my TV or PC?
A: It is not advisable. This product is especially designed for use with PCs or TVs. Using it otherwise may void the Lifetime Manufacturer Warranty.

Q: Can I also use this device for my workplace?
A: Yes, of course. The 7 Outlet Advanced PowerStrip can be used for a number of commercial and residential purposes. Simply configure the 7 Outlet Advanced PowerStrip and plug it in. It's very easy to use and there's no installation no necessary.
What's Included
What's Included:

• (1) 7 Outlet Advanced PowerStrip - 2160 Joules - Surge Protection
Review Summary
1 Reviews
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100% Recommend this product (1 of 1 responses)
By Ed P.
Kansas City Mo
Really Works !
January 24, 2015
I have several items that do not need to have electricity if our tv is not on. This strip leaves the power to our router and modem on all the time. However, when the tv is turned off, it turns off our blu ray, x-box, wii, and our surround sound system.
Workes perfectly !
  • Quick hook up, and surge protection.
Best Uses
  • To turn off electrical accessories that do not need power when the tv is off.
  • none
A Specialty Co. Since 2006!
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