Faraday Bags - EMP Protection
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EMP Shield - Home EMP, Solar Flare, Lightning Protection and Smart Meter Defense
Reg. Price: $449.00
Sale Price: $429.00
The EMP Shield will protect all the electronics and equipment connected to your electrical system. Our technology reacts in less than 1 billionth of a second. Since the shunting is completed incredibly fast, the over voltage is drained away from the equipment before the voltage can rise high enough to damage any equipment. Designed for non-flush, Protruding Breaker Boxes.
Utility Faraday Bag - Large Window
Only: $95.00OffGrid Faraday Duffel Bag - EMP Protection
Only: $349.00
Our line of Black Hole Faraday Bags have been designed to aid law enforcement, military, and investigators in the collection, preservation, transport, and analysis of wireless evidence. Shields a wide range of wireless devices such as cell phones (GSM, CDMA, 3G, 4G), PDAs, two-way radios, and Bluetooth. Perfect for EMP protection and personal security.