With customer service being such a strong focus here at Earthtech Products, we often receive detailed questions pertaining to all categories of solar power. This week we would like to spotlight Solar Lighting and answer some of the most common questions we have received. We find that educating the community not only assists us in providing fantastic service, but helps our clients feel more comfortable and confident in their purchases.
What is a Main Advantage of Outdoor Solar Lighting?
One of the most attractive features of solar lighting is self-sufficiency. As long as your desired area of installation receives direct sunlight for the better part of the day, it will most likely be a perfect option for solar lighting. One can easily avoid spending thousands of dollars running electric lines and operation costs, with an affordable and effective solar fixture solution.
How long do Solar Lights Operate for?
With solar power being more popular than ever, it is quite easy to find fixtures that operate for as long as is needed. The average light fixture in all major categories of solar lighting (Spot, Flood, Lamp post, Security, etc.) feature an operation time of 10-12+ hours. Many commercial fixtures can even be upgraded to accommodate any required run time.
Can I use my solar lights in the winter?
You most certainly can. Due to shorter daylight hours in the winter time you may see shorter run times. However, as long as the fixtures are receiving enough direct sunlight (6-8 hours), you will still see similar operation. Many solar fixtures feature a “low power” option designed specifically for low light and winter month conditions.
My Solar Fixture recently stopped illuminating, what may be causing this?
The most common cause of a drop-in performance is lack of sunlight due to poor weather. If you have recently had less than normal sunlight hours, simply turn your fixture to the “Off” position and allow it to recharge for 2-3 Sunny days. This will allow that internal battery to fully recharge and operate as normal. If this does not provide a solution, you may need to replace the battery. Most solar fixtures will require a replacement battery after 1-3 years from date of purchase.
How do I know which Solar Lighting Fixture will work for me?
There are many things to consider when choosing a proper solar fixture. First, you want to identify what you are looking to illuminate. Do you require functional or ambient lighting? Are you looking to illuminate a focal point or a general area? Next, you need to determine what color temperature and brightness you require. These are measured in Lumens (Brightness) and Kelvin Range (Color temperature). Lastly, if you require a focal point illumination (For signs or monuments for example) or area lighting (such as a back yard or parking lot) you will want to measure the area and have a general idea as to the size of your subject matter. Once you have this information choosing the perfect fixture for your application will be a piece of cake.
With this article we kick start the newest series of FAQ blog posts. If you have any questions you would like answered, please feel free to leave a comment. Your question may even be featured in an upcoming Earthtech Products article! As always, we are just a phone call away (877-548-3387) and are happy to offer our expertise on all of your solar needs!