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The Goal Zero Yeti Home Integration Kit - Overview and Installation

Posted 9-21-2018 | Filed under Product Guides | Comments (0)

Supplying power to essential outlets in your home in the event of an outage has just become even easier. No more running inefficient extension cables all over your home which are an obvious tripping hazard. Simply connect your Goal Zero Yeti Generators to the Yeti Home Integration Kit and select up to 4 circuits from your breaker panel to supply power to. This allows you to keep essential items such as bedroom outlets, refrigerators and hardwired lighting going without breaking a sweat.

How to Set up your Goal Zero Yeti Integration Kit:

The installation process of the Yeti Home Integration Kit should only be performed by a certified electrician. We have detailed installation instructions and visual aids such as videos and documents available for reference. The electrician will have access to a designated service and tech support phone line, which makes the installation process quite simple for a trained professional. Once the transfer switch is installed, simply insert the female connector of the extension cable into the power inlet on the transfer switch. Secondly, insert the male plug into one of the AC ports on the Yeti. If possible, leave your Yeti plugged into an outlet at all times to ensure it is properly maintained and charged up in the event of an outage.

How does it work?

Once the transfer switch has been installed by a qualified electrician and the Yeti has been connected using the included extension cable, you simply press the AC button on the Yeti (light will glow green), select the circuits you want to receive power, move the individual switches from the LINE to GEN position and you are all set. The selected circuits are now live and ready for use! Once power is restored, simply move the switches on the integration kit from GEN back to LINE and turn off the Yeti AC port (by pressing and holding the AC button for three seconds). It is that simple!

Will the Grid Power Returning damage my Yeti Power Pack?

The double-throw action of the integration kit switches prevents feeding generator power to the utility and, conversely, prevents feeding utility power to the generator.

Which Power Stations do you recommend for use with the Integration Kit?

We suggest pairing the Yeti 1000, Yeti 1250, Yeti 1400 and Yeti 3000 with the Integration kit. However, the Yeti 3000 Lithium is the best unit for this set up, as it provides a great blend of power output and run time. If you are unsure as to which unit would work best for you, feel free to reach out to one of our knowledgeable technicians for a recommendation.

Which Circuits do you recommend I power?

This is a great question and will vary based on each individual’s needs and home configuration. The most common circuits selected are a Kitchen outlet (Refrigerator), Bedroom Outlets (Recharging phones and a small television), Main living space (LED lights) and a Garage circuit (door opener). In the event of an outage, back up power is crucial and should be allocated to the most important items based on your lifestyle. For example, if you happen to own an array of battery powered lanterns, then take full advantage of that light source and prioritize power to your energy star fridge, over your 110V light fixtures.

With the release of the Integration Kit, interfacing with your home electronics has never been easier. The Goal Zero line of products is continuously making strides in the plug and play sector and will continue to do so in the future. Click Here to get your Yeti Home Integration Kit! As always, we are just a phone call away (877-548-3387) and are happy to offer our expertise on all of your solar needs!
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