One appliance found in just about every home and many businesses is a refrigerator. It's essential to keeping food stored properly, and it runs constantly. It is estimated that a new energy star refrigerator consumes between 50 and 80 watts. The actual wattage varies depending on the size and age of the unit. Older refrigerators can consume more than 4x the wattage of your standard energy efficient model. You can calculate your refrigerator's energy use on Energy.gov or by reviewing the energy star guide that is included with applicable appliance purchases.
Refrigerators are a unique item, as it is essential that this appliance continues running at all times, even in times of disasters and emergencies. Home solar power units can assist in keeping the fridge operational, whether you decide to install dedicated solar panels and a generator system to run this item, or simply have panels and a battery system ready for back-up when power from the electrical grid fails, luckily, there are options.
Natures Generator Elite Solar Generator Refrigerator Kit:

To power the refrigerator, and possibly a few other small essentials, the Yeti 3000X Lithium Lightweight Solar Generator Kit with (3) Boulder 200 Watt Panels is a reliable system. While a refrigerator is the primary goal, Earthtech says the system is ideal for running electronics such as an Energy Star fridge, lamps, power tools, smartphones, digital cameras and other electronic devices. If you want to power the fridge, however, you will want this home solar power kit to be dedicated to this appliance. A second option is the Natures Generator Elite Solar Generator Refrigerator Kit. The unit comes with everything needed for powering your standard energy star fridge. The system will run a fridge/freezer, sump pump, 1000 watt microwave, or a few other items, though not all at the same time. It is important to assess your needs, and determine the power consumption of your refrigerator in order to find the right home solar power system for your needs.
Yeti 3000X Lithium Lightweight Solar Generator Kit with (3) Boulder 200 Watt Panels:

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