Off-Grid living, workshop and storage solutions have been a common practice for a number of years. Giving people the ability to live, travel and construct in areas that do not have access to hardwired power is essential and more popular than ever. The latest trend; Shipping Container Workshops, Tiny Homes and Construction Site Storage. Today we are going to discuss how these conversions are performed and how Solar Lighting and Power Kits are a fantastic addition.
Off-Grid Applications and Uses
While there are many types of shipping container conversions, some of the most popular include Off-Grid Living, Storage for Residential and Commercial use, and our main point of discussion today; Workshops.
The Prefabricated market continues to grow with the need for low-cost housing and desire to lessen the average consumers carbon footprint. This desire, paired with the current surplus of used, refurbished and available shipping containers; makes it the perfect structure for all types of conversions. Many of our customers are currently using these containers as high-end makeshift Sheds, Workshops and On-site Storage Facilities. Lets discuss the steps involved in a successful conversion.

Basic Conversion Guide
The 1st Step in any DIY project is the planning phase. By configuring your ideal layout beforehand, you set yourself up for success in creating a functional floor plan.
Step 2 will consist of insulation, flooring, and ventilation, of which, may not be necessary depending on your intended use. For example, a Workshop should be insulated and properly ventilated vs a simple Storage location.
Step 3: Power and Lighting Installation. This is where we come in. Today we will be focusing on the lighting side of Off-Grid Power, but there many 110V-220V Solar Generator Solutions that would be perfect for this application. We even have the ability to add inverters to our shipping container kits, but well save that discussion for another time.
Step 4: Installing your Equipment, Shelving and Racking.
Once these basic steps are completed you will be free to customize your new workshop as you see fit.

Earthtech Products Shipping Container Lighting Kits
Our Shipping Container Lighting Kits are the perfect solution to obtaining fully functional, reliable lighting anywhere you require. Our kits are easily customizable for any application and can even be outfitted with DC or AC power if needed. The commercial grade nature of the components allows for consistent operation even when experiencing extended periods of little to no sunlight.
Available in 4 standard models; with each model adding an additional 4 Foot, 3100 lumen Lighting fixture. These basic kits are just the tip of the iceberg so do not hesitate to call should you have any questions or customization requests.

Off-Grid and mobile living continues to grow and develop, leading to some truly fascinating designs. Be sure to drop by and send us a picture of your custom container design! As always, we are just a phone call away (877-548-3387) and are happy to offer our expertise on all of your Solar needs!
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